BDS Action in Halifax, Canada

Global Day of Action for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions


Marking the 5th anniversary of the Palestinian Civil Society BDS Call

End the Siege of Gaza

Harper-Layton-Ignatieff : Occupation Is A Crime

Date: Friday, July 9, 2010, 3:45 p.m.

Place: Halifax Herald (21717 Joseph Howe Drive at the Armdale Rotary), Halifax, Nova Scotia

Help ensure the broadest participation possible

Canada Palestine Association * Ad Hoc Committee to Defend Palestine * Canadian Union of Postal Workers * Pan Canadian Bil’in Solidarity Network * Canadians, Arabs and Jews for a Just Peace

The Palestinian Civil Society Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) is calling on people of conscience all over the world to unite for a BDS Media Day on 9 July 2010, the 5th anniversary of launching the BDS movement and the 6th anniversary of the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion stating that Israel is to dismantle its illegal Wall and associated colonial regime.

On July 9th we call on you to participate in a demonstration which aims to — for the first time in Halifax — publicly challenge and confront the “mainstream media” for facilitating the outrageous disinformation of the United States and Canada in defending Israel’s illegal blockade and occupation of Palestine, and the crimes committed by Zionist Israel to this end — an occupation that has been allowed to stand, for 43 years, in defiance of international law and repeated UN and Security Council resolutions.

The governments of the US, Canada and Israel are defending violence and anarchy abroad as they do at home, and such media as the Chronicle Herald are feeding it. In the same manner, the Chronicle Herald climbed on the government bandwagon to justify the Gestapo police methods against the G8/G20 protestors in Toronto. The media and politicians cannot be allowed to justify horrendous crimes and disinform Canadians as to the reality and truth of conflicts without being held accountable.

Our high profile action will be aimed at the tens of thousands of Haligonians who pass through the Armdale Rotary during rush hour. If numbers permit, we aim to encircle the Rotary with banners and placards. We proclaim, An Alternative Is Possible! Chronicle Herald – Chronically Horrid! We will encourage people to investigate and decide such important questions for themselves.

Hostility towards the monopoly media is pronounced. We call on all workers and trade unionists, social and political activists, journalists and alternate media, youth and students, all those who stand for truth and human dignity and are concerned about the media, to converge this Friday on the Halifax Herald. Join people throughout the world to end Israel’s three-tiered system of oppression against the Palestinian people.

For Truth and Justice

If you wish to participate, please RSVP so we know how many banners to prepare

Watch for our forthcoming information on the perfidy and disinformation of the Halifax Chronicle Herald

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